Publicaciones en Revistas Científicas
Berón M. C., Montalto, L., Aquino, D., Quintana R., Mayora G., Flores M, Labas M, Mesa L. 2024.
Unravelling the influence of cattle stocking rate on the macroinvertebrate community of freshwater wetlands subjected to hydrological modifications in three hydroclimatic periods.
Environmental Research, 251, 118557
Flores-Mendez D.N., Daiub A.P., Mayora G., Mesa L., Gutierrez M.F. 2024.
Influence of Cattle Activity in Floodplains on the Zooplankton Community During a Period of Water Retraction.
Wetlands, 44(1), 4.
Chiani Y., Jacob P., Mayora G., Aquino D. S., Quintana R., Mesa L. 2023.
Presence of Leptospira spp. in a mosaic of wetlands used for livestock raising under differing hydro-climatic conditions.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. pp.e01971-22.
Lorente C. J., Mesa L., Montalto L., Gutiérrez M. F., Miró M. V., Lifschitz A. 2023.
Ivermectin bioaccumulation and transfer through developmental stages in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae).
Chemosphere, 322, 138106.
Gutiérrez M. F., Epele L. B., Mayora G., Aquino D., Mora C., Quintana R., Mesa L. 2022.
Hydro-climatic changes promote shifts in zooplankton composition and diversity in wetlands of the Lower Paraná River Delta.
Hydrobiologia, 849(16), 3463-3480.
Seimandi G., Mesa L.M., Sánchez M. L., Saigo M., Gutiérrez H. 2021.
Effect of rotational grazing management on vegetation of floodplain wetlands.
Wetlands Ecology and Management 29 (4): 565-580.
Mayora G., Piedrabuena A., Ferrato J. J., Gutiérrez, M. F., Mesa L.M. 2021.
Water quality dynamics of floodplain lakes in relation to river flooding and cattle grazing.
Marine and Freshwater Research.
Mesa L. M., Gutiérrez, M. F., Montalto, L., Perez, V., & Lifschitz, A. 2020.
Concentration and environmental fate of ivermectin in floodplain wetlands: An ecosystem approach.
Science of The Total Environment 706: 135692.
Mesa L.M., Horler J., Lindt I., Gutiérrez M.F, Negro L., Mayora G., Montalto L., Ballent M., Lifschitz A. 2018.
Effects of the antiparasitic drug moxidectin in cattle dung on zooplankton and benthic invertebrates and its accumulation in a water-sediment system.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75:316–326.
Mesa L.M., Lindt I., Negro L., Gutiérrez M.F., Mayora G., Montalto L., Ballent M., Lifschitz A. 2017.
Aquatic toxicity of ivermectin in cattle dung assessed using microcosms.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 422-429.
Mesa L.M., Maldini C., Mayora G., Saigo M., Marchese M., Giri F. 2016.
Manure decomposition and macroinvertebrate colonization in a wetland of the Middle Paraná river.
Journal of Soil and Sediment 16 (9): 2316–2325.
Mesa L. M., Mayora G., Saigo M., Giri F. 2015.
Nutrient dynamics in wetlands of the Middle Paraná River subjected to rotational cattle management.
Wetlands 35 (6): 1117-1125.